
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Unraveling the Mystery, pt. 1

I was born and raised in the Mormon church in a small conservative town. (I left when I was 17/18 and never looked back.) This provided some really fucked up ideas at an impressionable age - whether overtly expressed, implied or otherwise.

  • Women are subordinate to men.
  • Nudity is improper, immoral and pure evil.  (Hey wait...I was born naked.)
  • Girls don't masturbate
  • Masturbation is a sin, yet it's a daily ritual
  • Pre-marital sex is the ultimate bad.
  • Men were in charge and brought home the bacon
  • Women stayed at home and took care of the men, and had the occasional baby.
  • Monogamy was preached by a religion that practiced polygamy.

Here is an interesting read on the subject, most of which I find to be true based on my experience and upbringing in the church:

"Girls and boys are also told that a good and proper Mormon home is a patriarchal one."

Patriarch was a big word when I was a teenager. It basically meant "the man."

"Girls are told that God wants them at home (Laake 153), and boys are never taught to clean up after themselves, since when their mothers stop doing it for them, their wives will take over the job. These ideas, at least, have not changed at all since the nineteenth century. " This isn't necessarily preached in church but it is certainly a cultural thing. Looking back at my dad and even certain bad habits I inherited (ask my wife) there's something to this.

One of the things I had a hard time swallowing as a teenager were these 1850's ideas about gender and race existing in the 20th (then) century. This was the catalyst to my fallout with the church.

I find it interesting that here in the present, rather then come right out and say it on their web page, they've added a layer of obfuscation.
"Read other answers contributed by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Answers are the sole responsibility of the members."
See for yourself and draw your own conclusions regarding "equality":

Here is another interesting read:

"This heinous homosexual sin is of the ages. Many cities and civilizations have gone out of existence because of it. It was present in Israel’s wandering days, tolerated by the Greeks, and found in the baths of corrupt Rome."- Prophet Spencer W. Kimball, "President Kimball Speaks Out on Morality," LDS New Era, Nov. 1980, Page 39
"Alternatives to the legal and loving marriage between a man and a woman are helping to unravel the fabric of human society. I am sure this is pleasing to the devil. The fabric I refer to is the family. These so-called alternative life-styles must not be accepted as right, because they frustrate God’s commandment for a life-giving union of male and female within a legal marriage as stated in Genesis. If practiced by all adults, these life-styles would mean the end of the human family."- Apostle James E. Faust, "Serving the Lord and Resisting the Devil," Liahona, Nov. 1995, Page 3.

"if practiced by all adults" WTF?

Holy crap, reading through this site is like reliving my childhood -

My favorite page: :

"Church leaders have taught that death is better than engaging in pre-marital sexual activity." Oh, so true. Finally they pushed me to the point where it became a dare. =)
"I remember being scared to death because I was going to end up in the telestial kingdom for masturbating." A-fucking-men!
"Thank you for bringing up this topic of self Stimulation. First and foremost we will not run out of People on the Planet. Second masturbation is in my mind an acceptable form of sexual expression for those who are Divorced, Single, recently Widowed or just wanting to avoid making a mistake in a relationship. Disease is a real issue. And there is no guarantee that the Aids Vaccine undergoing clinical trials will be more than 30% effective. How many unhappy Marriages and Families are there due to this ridiculous dogma? Oh and Marrying anyone in order to become sexually active is another of my favorites. People trapped in loveless marriages, or abusive relationships. My advice to my oldest Children both married, self stimulation is much preferrable to a lifetime of mistakes compounded by a bad judgement call. Also those organs of the body that enable sexual expression are healthiest when exercised. These anal retentive fools are destroying peoples lives with their BS ignore them. "

Women / girls became a taboo, and the topic of sex was never discussed in my family. I was lead to believe that women were sacred because of the child bearing thing and implied that they did not have these same "urges" we boys had, so we had to control ourselves around them and not give in to "impure thought." I'm sorry, at age 13/14 impure thoughts were all I had and  to date, they have not yet stopped.

I believe I discovered self gratification around age 10/11 (I was a late bloomer)....although I don't think I really knew what it was, but I knew it was naughty because it involved my naughty bits so I kept it to myself. I was really confused and completely surprised when I had my first ejaculation around 12+ but thanks to the Junior High locker room discussions I got my answer clarified. (I never got the "talk"...I'll go more into that later.)

I started to think I was a serious pervert by age 14. It was somewhat isolating and I did not have an outlet other than my imagination and the frequent "long showers". I had one hella imagination. (Still do for that matter.) This did not encourage good social norms with girls for me. I was uber shy and intimidated. I was a walking hormone and was given the idea that girls were this ideal of purity that I had to respect until I went on a mission and got married. I didn't worry about going to hell....I felt like I was already there! I remember imagining a girl that felt like I did and ....gasp...even played with herself (however that worked). But that was preposterous of course. And then I discovered a little magazine by Bob Guiccioni. (To be continued).

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